Figlarz kindergarten and nursery in Bielsko-Biała is home, tradition, tolerance and acceptance. A place where your children’s needs are fully satisfied. We give them more than education every day – we give them a compassionate look, an uplifting word and care. We follow the child in our daily work. It is the child that is most important. We help you, dear parents, with the care, education and upbringing of your child.
Upbringing of a little human being. We do not forget a carefree and joyful childhood. That is why Figlarz looks back with nostalgia and chooses what is essential for the proper development of cognitive functions. Figlarz is all about old-fashioned table and backyard games – classics, rubber bands, plasticine
and a stick stuck in the ground, becoming the centre of something very important. It’s nature and observing the world around you.
The playgroup also looks to the future. We skillfully weave into our daily work all that is new and helpful in education for the 21st century. A fresh outlook, innovative methods of working with children and drawing on global standards accompany us constantly in the educational process. In intimate groups we recognise the potential of every child, our staff – using training and workshops – conducts creative and imaginative activities, during which children develop their competences, learn, get to know themselves, their immediate environment and the world. The huge number of activities in the groups and in our preschool community – often also involving parents – makes our preschool a place where we all learn important things.
We want – being both teachers and parents – for our children to derive extraordinary joy from their pre-school years while at the same time building a solid foundation for their future education.
The Figlarz kindergarten and nursery with English-language departments in Bielsko-Biała means a large dose of sport and physical activity, love of nature and passion for learning foreign languages. Everyone can become a Figlarz!
Czy to wiosna czy jesień codziennie małym Figlarzom towarzyszy ruch! Ruch to zdrowie i prawidłowy rozwój naszych podopiecznych. Aktywności fizycznych nie da się niczym zastąpić!
Alpaki, to zwierzęta o bardzo łagodnym usposobieniu. Są płochliwe i delikatne, zupełnie pozbawione agresji. Szczególnie pozytywnie nastawione są do dzieci. Głaskanie i przytulanie alpak pomaga dzieciom rozluźnić się i otworzyć. Nasze Przedszkolaki były zachwycone ich wizytą. Monte i Charlie to…
Nasze przedszkole wciąż się zmienia. Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby aranżacja była ekstatyczna i funkcjonalna. Wydzielone strefy powodują, że dzieci czują się u nas dobrze cały dzień. Przestrzeń przez nas tworzona spełnia potrzeby dzieci, bo to miejsce tworzymy dla nich!