
Figlarz kindergarten and nursery with English-speaking departments in Bielsko-Biała was created by parents who were looking for an ideal place for their children. A place where the needs of the youngest are respected, where the child’s needs are followed and where maximum support is given to their development and education. Every day at Figlarz means new challenges for the children. Children who are curious about the world, children who want to discover what is new. Every day – with the support of qualified staff – we make this possible for them.

We try to organize comprehensive activities so that our children can try different actions and tasks. So that in a short while they can determine what they like and who they are. So that when they leave the walls of Figlarz they will be ready to take on more difficult school challenges. Finally, so that this special childhood period of life is full of carefree joy.

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One hundred children’s languages!

One hundred children’s languages!

A child is made up of a hundred. He has a hundred languages, a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways in which he thinks, plays and speaks.

– Loris Malaguzzi, 100 languages of the child

Our task is to find each child’s language. And to sing along with it. That’s why we try to follow the needs and interests of our little Figlarze. In addition, we know that the dialogue between child, parent and teacher is also important. A difficult task, which we try to tackle every day.



Pamięć dziecka w pierwszych sześciu latach jest niezwykle pojemna, dziecko zapamiętuje setki nowych informacji i faktów. Ważnym faktem jest również zdolność dzieci do przyswojenia w pierwszych trzech latach jednego lub większej ilości języków, mimo że akwizycja języka jest niezwykle złożonym procesem. Dzieci mają wrodzoną chęć do nauki i ciekawość świata. My w Figlarzu to wykorzystujemy.  Nasi mali Figlarze mają możliwość obcowania z żywym językiem angielskim podczas pobytu w przedszkolu. Nie tylko na zajęciach, ale i w trakcie codziennych sytuacji, jak spacer, ćwiczenia, zabawy w ogrodzie czy posiłki.

A healthy mind in a healthy body!

A healthy mind in a healthy body!

Physical activity is the foundation of a child’s intellectual development. We know this very well, which is why at Figlarz we focus on sports and movement activities, we have a large gym and a spacious garden, where our Figlarz children, under the supervision of teachers and instructors, improve their skills and often acquire new ones, having fun at the same time!

Education in 5!

Education in 5!

Learning through play is the only and best way for toddlers to learn about the world. We focus on education – tailored to the developmental stage – of our little explorers, we focus on the English language and we make a foreign language no longer foreign, thanks to the bilingualism we practice! Finally, we teach love and respect for nature. We use different pedagogical methods in our daily work, because we believe that there is no one perfect method, but a whole range of them. The important thing is to be able to adapt the pieces of this puzzle to the individual abilities of the child.


Working methods and forms

Figlarz’s daily adventure with toddlers is based on individual work, thanks to which the teacher can get to know the child and delve into his or her world, thus getting to know his or her individual and unique character. The number of children in a group is also what distinguishes us from others. The maximum number of 16 children in each preschool group allows us to work efficiently in small teams, so that the children are supported and prepared to function in larger groups – the whole preschool community and, in the next step, the school community.

In our work, we have adopted the principle that there is no perfect single teaching method. Therefore, in Figlarz we work using and being inspired by elements of many pedagogical methods.


The active method
the method of independent experience. We know how important it is to create conditions for independent play, facilitating contact with the social environment, learning about nature or communing with art. We also know that children love independence according to Maria Montessori’s principle Let me do it myself.
Verbal method
conversations, stories, riddles, learning rhymes or songs, instructions and explanations, i.e. the living word in practice and ways of communicating.
Inquiry-based method
a method based on observation during walks, play in the garden, and illustrations or objects.
Marta Bogdanowicz’s Method of Good Start
prepares children for reading and writing, in Figlarz we work this way with 3-year-olds already. The method uses three pillars – graphic patterns to stimulate sight, songs to stimulate hearing and pattern play to work on motor skills.
Play pedagogy
is an activating method, it stimulates emotions, imagination and integrates through action. It is games and play based on non-rivalry, voluntary participation, mutual acceptance. Using the here and now and adapting the games to the children’s abilities.
Dalton Plan
is freedom, independence, cooperation and reflection. Here, everyone works together and the child is at the centre of the learning, making them more involved, independent and responsible. It is education with respect for freedom, including free choice.
Edyta Gruszczyk-Kolczyńska’s Child Maths
that is, supporting the child’s mental development, introducing new content and organising the knowledge already acquired.
Sherborne Developmental Movement
a method treating movement as a tool in work with children, stimulating their development and correcting developmental and neurological disorders. It is often used in therapeutic work.
Paratheatre techniques
finger plays, puppet theatre, pantomime, drama – in which our children actively or passively participate.
Music therapy
using music to work with children, to release emotions, to stimulate or calm them. It is also a therapeutic method used extensively when working with children struggling with developmental disorders.
Fairy tale therapy
reading has power, in our daily work we use literary texts, fairy tales to bring children closer to the world and explain it. Fairy tale therapy has therapeutic, educational and relaxation goals.
awareness of the importance of rest and achieving calm, Maria Montesoria’s silence lessons, use of Jacobson’s relaxation techniques.

Children’s enrolment continues all year round! Call, make an appointment. We look forward to welcoming your little Figlarz!

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